Why Book with Us?

  • Immersive Historical Experiences
  • Personal Service
  • Proven Track Record
  • Customer Endorsement
    • 5-star reviews 
    • over 70% rebooking rate! 

We offer you immersive historical experiences where present-day worries are set aside, giving participants the chance to completely engage with the past guided by knowledgeable and enthusiastic historians, in superb surroundings.

For those seeking to dive deep into history, to feel its texture, understand its complexities, and appreciate its nuances, our immersive historical experiences are perfect! Guests get the opportunity to interact with historians who are deeply passionate about their field of expertise. Our historians not only share fascinating insights and stories but also engage with participants, answering questions and sparking discussions that make history feel alive and relevant.

Our focus on high-quality customer service means paying attention to every detail. This level of service requires meticulous planning, from the design of the itinerary, the selection of the speakers and activities to what we are eating for dinner!

Behind these unbelievable experiences is a philosophy of customer service, it's what sets these experiences apart and makes them memorable events that customers cherish and talk about long after they've happened. We have almost a decade of experience creating historical travel experiences for guests from all over the world and take our obligations very seriously. We comply with all relevant travel industry regulations, notably The Package Travel and Linked Travel Arrangements Regulations 2018, and are members of the Travel Trust Association. 

Copyright 2012-2025 History Holidays Ltd t/a British History Tours

British History Tours is a trading name of History Holidays Limited Company Number 8851851. Registered in England and Wales. Established 2014.

TTA Membership - X6283

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